Monday, November 25, 2013

Thinking back...

Do you ever have those moments where you can't help but think? I mean, all you are trying to do is anything in the known world but think, and yet it happens?

That was what happened to me today. I was driving along, and not really feeling anything particular and all of a sudden... I was thinking back...

When I was 16... (going on 17...) I had my first boyfriend. Now, you want to talk about a train wreck? Oh. My. Gosh! It was TERRIBLE. 

Let me paint you a picture... He was 18, his father ran his life like he was playing with puppets and his daddy didn't like me because I'm not controllable (devious smile). It was months of constant ridiculous childish antics by the FATHER towards me, and also from boyfriends brother... and HIS girlfriend. Basically, I got treated like complete garbage because I had my own opinions about things and they weren't always in sync with theirs.

So, one night my boyfriend at the time (who is now married to someone that he met because of me... yeah that's another story for another day) was over at my house while his parents were out of town, but I had a really physically demanding job at a horse barn and was exhausted. So I went to bed early, and he was bored with a giant jacked up truck therefore he went four-wheelin'...

I get a phone call around 11:30pm or midnight telling me that he got his truck stuck. Now, I was in the middle of some SERIOUS REM sleep, so I just said "okay" and went back to sleep.

Well, when his daddy found out, the conclusion he came to was that we fought, my boyfriend, who we will call Ted, went four-wheelin' and got his truck stuck... ERGO, it was my fault. Yeah, WTF right? I mean, Ted left my house early because I was tired... but yeah, we were totally fighting.

Long story short, it took a friend of MINE to get his jacked up truck out of a wheel-well high mud pit... without a thank you from ANYONE. Because you know, it was my fault Ted got the truck stuck.

We broke up shortly afterward, and I promptly burned all of the stuff he gave me... Except this one really awesome blue stuffed bear that, had he not bought it for me, I would have bought for myself haha.

Moral of this story? This was the yardstick with which I had to measure all other relationships... and the worst part? I had worse experiences as I got older...

Yep... gonna just leave that one right there.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Pumpkin Cheesecake!

So, Thanksgiving is coming!

The other day, I went to this restaurant and had the most FABULOUS pumpkin cheesecake. And guess what! They make them for Thanksgiving!!!! *fat girl squeal* And I ordered one!

So now, I have a lot to look forward to this Thanksgiving. I mean, it's like Christmas is coming early! All because of an amazing pumpkin cheesecake!

It's not like there will be a hundred million people at my parents house... A hundred million people all asking me ridiculous questions that I don't want to answer, and won't answer. But, after all the jibber-jabber and mind-numbing chit-chat. I will be able to sit down at the table with an ENTIRE pumpkin cheesecake AND NOT SHARE!

That's right. I give thanks and then refuse to share with anyone. I would have made a great pilgrim... Well, maybe not.

Point being ladies and gentlemen of the blogosphere... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The car....

So, I have been traveling a lot with my new job, which is awesome! However, the other night when I arrived home from a business trip and got into my car to drive home something interesting happened. Let me paint the scene...

Its 6pm on a Wednesday night. A young woman, fresh off a plane from Philadelphia is exiting the south terminal of the airport and preparing her speed to enter a highway when all of a sudden  CLUNK.

Immediately, I knew what it was. So I took a dive for the right shoulder, because of course I was in the far left-hand lane. So, I flip my lid and called my dad who is at his job nearby and I say "my cable going from the throttle body to my gas pedal snapped and im sitting on the side of the road about a half a mile from  the airport.

Now, not everyone lives near an airport, myself included. So naturally I am upset because OMGOSH my car has failed in its simple life missin to CONTINUE RUNNING. I wasnt entirely pissed off, until we called for a tow truck. They werent even supposed to get there until 8pm!!!!!! What's worse?? HE COULDNT FIND US!!!

So, this adorable, tired and agitated young woman who hadn't eaten since 1pm in an airport 700 miles away did not reach her home until 10:30pm. What's worse? I hadn't peed since before I left the airport.... that was pleasant.

Moral of this story? There isnt one!! It cost me 170+ dollars to have it towed and buy the part... then 2 hours to put it in... have I won the lottery yet so that money is no issue? Cause the money issue now is that its all gone :'(

Carry on with thy lives people of the internet... until next time!

Friday, November 8, 2013

The eternal...

Okay, so my blogging has been spotty the last few months but what are ya gonna do eh?

Let's talk about the eternal ZIT! I am so annoyed right now, and here's why. For some reason there is a spot on my face that every now and then breaks out with seven zits over a period of  a week and a half.

Now, don't think I'm unclean or something... I wash my face twice a day with a rigorous regiment of soap and Avon products that are supposed to keep my face from breaking out.

Yet, for SOME REASON... I break out in this ODD, ODD fashion.

It might be stress related... Yet, I don't feel stressed... Anymore. I think... maybe?


Does this kind of thing plague you too? I mean, you get a GIANT ZIT right where you don't want it at a time you can't seem to cover the stupid thing up with make-up (sorry boys, you can't use make-up without seeming... well like a freaking chick) and yet STILL it shines through like a giant SUN.

So now, I'm smack in the middle of the battle of the bulge... LITERALLY because my face swells around the stupid thing... and I've got some business travel coming up. Perfect!

Okay, I feel better. I forgot how great it feels to throw my anger into the webisfere and pretend like anyone cares... hahahahaha.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The hang up...

Okay, I am perfectly aware that I've been MIA for about a month or so. I have good reason though! I've changed jobs and that has taken up a lot of my time. It's been tough what with finishing up at my old job, then picking up with the new one and trying to learn everything!

So while all this is going on, naturally life hasn't stopped. I noticed something the other day, there are a lot of reasons why people don't succeed in life, and I wonder if they ever realize why. We're going to call this "The Hang Up."

Picture it, a perfectly good man walks into your life... But you have a hang up: your previous boyfriend treated you like garbage and harassed you after the break-up so therefore, all men are him. Right? So now you're throwing away a perfectly wonderful opportunity for happiness because YOU have a hang up. That's just a shame.

Here's another scenario. You are given the opportunity to work in your chosen field, but your too immature to recognize the fact that you were given a shot against the odds. You're hang up? You don't want to work for anything, you want it all to be handed to you. And that IS a shame, because whatcha gonna be doin' afterward? "Oh, you know... Livin' on the street." Mmmmhmmm.

So what is up with people these days having these ridiculous hang ups? I mean, I don't like feet but I don't go around using it as an excuse not to buy shoes!! You get over whatever it is and move on.

Advice time! Gather 'round children, Aunty Heather is going to tell you a story! If you don't recognize your own hang ups, then you have a serious problem and will never get very far. So, do Aunty Heather a favor and think really hard about what people hint around is an issue with you... Take it into consideration, recognize it's super annoying and CHANGE IT.

Congratulations, you are smarter than you were before you read this.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

It's been a minute...

Alright, my bad for not writing anything in a while. It's a busy time for me at work, what with one of the biggest events my firm handles coming up and I'm the lead (shocked face). So I apologize in advance for the sporadic nature of my future posts until it's over.

Since I've last posted, several things had happened. People are apparently looking to attack Syria, hit and run crimes in Atlanta seem to dominate the news and I got my wisdom teeth removed.

Let's focus on the biggest one...

So, I had my wisdom teeth removed last Friday and I have to say this is quite annoying. I want to eat food! Lot's of food! But, I can't because I'm too afraid of popping a stitch and getting what people are calling "dry sockets." Yeah, don't ask.

Meanwhile, the pure nausea of my experience and the whole blood in my mouth thing has made me fall on the floor on more than one occasion.

So here I sit, at my desk during a lunch break and I can feel the back of my molars with my tongue because for the past 7 years those darn wisdom teeth have blocked the teeth in front. It's weird you guys, I mean like super weird that I have all this... space in my mouth. I feel like I should move a family in and charge rent!

But, I digress.

So, while the world is in shambles and clinging to the light of the world is certainly my favorite thing to do, people are still living, breathing and getting their wisdom teeth removed like they always have.

Brought you back to perspective didn't I? No? Well, it wouldn't be the first time.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Instant gratification

So I'm noticing something... I mean, I guess I'm not just now noticing it. But, it's something I have seen and feel is becoming an epidemic in the "Millennial" generation.

Instant gratification.

That's right. And no, I'm not being sexual or gross. I'm talking about my generation's inability to look forward because everything we do must be instantly rewarded, or seem like it anyway. I know I use traffic my scenarios a lot, but since I spend TONS of time in it that's when I do a lot of my thinking.

Today I as driving along, doing my routine. I have certain lanes I get in at certain times just because I eventually need to be in the fast lane, but it doesn't always move the quickest. As I'm putting along during rush hour, I notice a small car weaving in and out of the nearly bumper to bumper traffic.

This seems stupid, since it isn't getting this person anywhere. But, nonetheless, when one lane is moving that's where he/she goes. That lane comes to an abrupt stop and he/she cuts in front of someone to get into one that is moving. It's a vicious cycle.

Meanwhile, I pass this person about four times just because I am staying steadfast in one place. Sure, this crazy loon is passing me periodically and it makes me want to drive faster, but I know that in the long-run I will end up sailing by because I can see down the highway.

Take this concept and apply it to life. So many kids of my generation want it all without working for it. They want that instant gratification. Yet, I know that if I work hard at a starter job and get a great resume together that I can eventually choose where I want to go because I am making myself a commodity.

Now, these kids refuse to work hard for anything or even TRY to get a job, and instead are working at McDonalds with college degrees making $8 an hour when they could have gotten a starter job out of college and put in the time to make themselves valuable. But, they aren't looking to the future. They want it NOW, RIGHT NOW. And, that just isn't the case.

So while I know that this little car may pass me from time to time, and it makes me want to jump into that lane too, that if I just keep on truckin' at the pace I've set for myself it will pay off, God willing.

Let me ask you this. How valuable are you at your work?