Wednesday, August 28, 2013

It's been a minute...

Alright, my bad for not writing anything in a while. It's a busy time for me at work, what with one of the biggest events my firm handles coming up and I'm the lead (shocked face). So I apologize in advance for the sporadic nature of my future posts until it's over.

Since I've last posted, several things had happened. People are apparently looking to attack Syria, hit and run crimes in Atlanta seem to dominate the news and I got my wisdom teeth removed.

Let's focus on the biggest one...

So, I had my wisdom teeth removed last Friday and I have to say this is quite annoying. I want to eat food! Lot's of food! But, I can't because I'm too afraid of popping a stitch and getting what people are calling "dry sockets." Yeah, don't ask.

Meanwhile, the pure nausea of my experience and the whole blood in my mouth thing has made me fall on the floor on more than one occasion.

So here I sit, at my desk during a lunch break and I can feel the back of my molars with my tongue because for the past 7 years those darn wisdom teeth have blocked the teeth in front. It's weird you guys, I mean like super weird that I have all this... space in my mouth. I feel like I should move a family in and charge rent!

But, I digress.

So, while the world is in shambles and clinging to the light of the world is certainly my favorite thing to do, people are still living, breathing and getting their wisdom teeth removed like they always have.

Brought you back to perspective didn't I? No? Well, it wouldn't be the first time.

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