Thursday, October 17, 2013

The hang up...

Okay, I am perfectly aware that I've been MIA for about a month or so. I have good reason though! I've changed jobs and that has taken up a lot of my time. It's been tough what with finishing up at my old job, then picking up with the new one and trying to learn everything!

So while all this is going on, naturally life hasn't stopped. I noticed something the other day, there are a lot of reasons why people don't succeed in life, and I wonder if they ever realize why. We're going to call this "The Hang Up."

Picture it, a perfectly good man walks into your life... But you have a hang up: your previous boyfriend treated you like garbage and harassed you after the break-up so therefore, all men are him. Right? So now you're throwing away a perfectly wonderful opportunity for happiness because YOU have a hang up. That's just a shame.

Here's another scenario. You are given the opportunity to work in your chosen field, but your too immature to recognize the fact that you were given a shot against the odds. You're hang up? You don't want to work for anything, you want it all to be handed to you. And that IS a shame, because whatcha gonna be doin' afterward? "Oh, you know... Livin' on the street." Mmmmhmmm.

So what is up with people these days having these ridiculous hang ups? I mean, I don't like feet but I don't go around using it as an excuse not to buy shoes!! You get over whatever it is and move on.

Advice time! Gather 'round children, Aunty Heather is going to tell you a story! If you don't recognize your own hang ups, then you have a serious problem and will never get very far. So, do Aunty Heather a favor and think really hard about what people hint around is an issue with you... Take it into consideration, recognize it's super annoying and CHANGE IT.

Congratulations, you are smarter than you were before you read this.

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