Monday, November 25, 2013

Thinking back...

Do you ever have those moments where you can't help but think? I mean, all you are trying to do is anything in the known world but think, and yet it happens?

That was what happened to me today. I was driving along, and not really feeling anything particular and all of a sudden... I was thinking back...

When I was 16... (going on 17...) I had my first boyfriend. Now, you want to talk about a train wreck? Oh. My. Gosh! It was TERRIBLE. 

Let me paint you a picture... He was 18, his father ran his life like he was playing with puppets and his daddy didn't like me because I'm not controllable (devious smile). It was months of constant ridiculous childish antics by the FATHER towards me, and also from boyfriends brother... and HIS girlfriend. Basically, I got treated like complete garbage because I had my own opinions about things and they weren't always in sync with theirs.

So, one night my boyfriend at the time (who is now married to someone that he met because of me... yeah that's another story for another day) was over at my house while his parents were out of town, but I had a really physically demanding job at a horse barn and was exhausted. So I went to bed early, and he was bored with a giant jacked up truck therefore he went four-wheelin'...

I get a phone call around 11:30pm or midnight telling me that he got his truck stuck. Now, I was in the middle of some SERIOUS REM sleep, so I just said "okay" and went back to sleep.

Well, when his daddy found out, the conclusion he came to was that we fought, my boyfriend, who we will call Ted, went four-wheelin' and got his truck stuck... ERGO, it was my fault. Yeah, WTF right? I mean, Ted left my house early because I was tired... but yeah, we were totally fighting.

Long story short, it took a friend of MINE to get his jacked up truck out of a wheel-well high mud pit... without a thank you from ANYONE. Because you know, it was my fault Ted got the truck stuck.

We broke up shortly afterward, and I promptly burned all of the stuff he gave me... Except this one really awesome blue stuffed bear that, had he not bought it for me, I would have bought for myself haha.

Moral of this story? This was the yardstick with which I had to measure all other relationships... and the worst part? I had worse experiences as I got older...

Yep... gonna just leave that one right there.

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