Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The car....

So, I have been traveling a lot with my new job, which is awesome! However, the other night when I arrived home from a business trip and got into my car to drive home something interesting happened. Let me paint the scene...

Its 6pm on a Wednesday night. A young woman, fresh off a plane from Philadelphia is exiting the south terminal of the airport and preparing her speed to enter a highway when all of a sudden  CLUNK.

Immediately, I knew what it was. So I took a dive for the right shoulder, because of course I was in the far left-hand lane. So, I flip my lid and called my dad who is at his job nearby and I say "my cable going from the throttle body to my gas pedal snapped and im sitting on the side of the road about a half a mile from  the airport.

Now, not everyone lives near an airport, myself included. So naturally I am upset because OMGOSH my car has failed in its simple life missin to CONTINUE RUNNING. I wasnt entirely pissed off, until we called for a tow truck. They werent even supposed to get there until 8pm!!!!!! What's worse?? HE COULDNT FIND US!!!

So, this adorable, tired and agitated young woman who hadn't eaten since 1pm in an airport 700 miles away did not reach her home until 10:30pm. What's worse? I hadn't peed since before I left the airport.... that was pleasant.

Moral of this story? There isnt one!! It cost me 170+ dollars to have it towed and buy the part... then 2 hours to put it in... have I won the lottery yet so that money is no issue? Cause the money issue now is that its all gone :'(

Carry on with thy lives people of the internet... until next time!

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