Friday, November 8, 2013

The eternal...

Okay, so my blogging has been spotty the last few months but what are ya gonna do eh?

Let's talk about the eternal ZIT! I am so annoyed right now, and here's why. For some reason there is a spot on my face that every now and then breaks out with seven zits over a period of  a week and a half.

Now, don't think I'm unclean or something... I wash my face twice a day with a rigorous regiment of soap and Avon products that are supposed to keep my face from breaking out.

Yet, for SOME REASON... I break out in this ODD, ODD fashion.

It might be stress related... Yet, I don't feel stressed... Anymore. I think... maybe?


Does this kind of thing plague you too? I mean, you get a GIANT ZIT right where you don't want it at a time you can't seem to cover the stupid thing up with make-up (sorry boys, you can't use make-up without seeming... well like a freaking chick) and yet STILL it shines through like a giant SUN.

So now, I'm smack in the middle of the battle of the bulge... LITERALLY because my face swells around the stupid thing... and I've got some business travel coming up. Perfect!

Okay, I feel better. I forgot how great it feels to throw my anger into the webisfere and pretend like anyone cares... hahahahaha.

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